Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Plan to Change the Entire Campus

I am so excited that school has started! Having students back on campus fuels me to push harder for the change that is absolutely necessary to work towards ending violence! Now that students have settled in a bit, I think it's a great time to discuss what my plan for implementing change is going to look like. So here's a run down of my plan for this year: 
  • Assist with first year orientation sessions educating new students about sexual violence and available resources
  • Talk with parents at the Parent Fair during orientation to discuss resources on campus for survivors and their family and friends affected by sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and harassment
  • Train Resident Assistants in "Behind Closed Doors" on how to respond to a potential dating violence situation
  • Develop and distribute outreach materials, reaching out to survivors of sexual assault and domestic/dating violence to connect them with campus resources 
  • Develop and distribute educational materials on available campus and community resources, how to help a friend, etc.
  • Develop curricula for the Graduate School of Social Work and meet with the Associate Dean to encourage implementation of new curricula for more education for social work students on interpersonal violence
  • Develop and implement bystander intervention trainings partnering with the Center for Advocacy, Prevention, and Education on campus
  • Develop a training for faculty and staff on how to respond to disclosures of gender-based violence and associated campus resources
  • Develop and offer brown bag/lunch trainings educating students, faculty, and staff on effective social work practice and response with domestic/dating violence and sexual violence survivors 
  • Support and assist with campus programming surrounding interpersonal violence and awareness-raising
  • Complete a peer institution review for best practices in regards to interpersonal violence services at a campus level and create a report with findings 
  • Work with associated campus departments to compile a report of the number of victims/survivors provided support services at the University of Denver 
  • Meet with the Chancellor to discuss the plan for the year and hopefully garner his support
I may add to this plan throughout the year, but I think this is a good place to start! Some items on this list have already been completed! Watch my blog over the next few days to get an update on where this plan stands, and please don't hesitate to leave a comment below with any thoughts or questions. 

In advocacy,

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